Ambulance Horn Mp3


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Coyote Calling IncludingMP3 Calling Sounds.

Ambulance siren Sound Effects (14) Most recent Oldest Shortest duration Longest duration Any Length 2 sec 2 sec - 5 sec 5 sec - 20 sec 20 sec - 1 min 1 min All libraries Andrew Potterton Justine Angus Collected Transients West Wolf. Listen to Police siren. Royalty-Free sound that is tagged as electronic, emergency, police, and siren. Download for FREE + discover 1000's of sounds. Download Ambulance-Sound Ringtone submitted by pepeapps in SMS Ringtones / Message Alert ringtones category. Total downloads so far: 47708.

  • Ambulance and Fire Truck Siren in City - Free Sound Effect - Mp3 Wav Download. Mp3 Size: 0:48 Stereo 48.0 kHz 24 bit 44.1 kHz 320 kbps 13.4 MB 1.9 MB.
  • 52 sound effects found for 'ALARM'. Royalty-free sounds bank for yours creative projects. Sound effects and Soundscapes in MP3, WAV, OGG, M4A (and more). Listen, Download!

The symbolbelow indicates a sound file in MP3 format. Each one is about 60 seconds long.You are welcome to save each sound file and use the sounds any way you like.They are guaranteed to get the attention of your dog or cat.

Relentless 365 California'sPremiere Hunting Magazine. Check out my coyote hunting article.

AS IT ACTUALLY HAPPENED.. May 20, 2005 – Decided togo work on some of the ground squirrels, but when I got to the field, thefoxtails were too high to see any ground squirrels. So I decided to see if Icould call in a coyote. There was a high place where I could make a stand and ahave pretty good view of any approaching coyotes. There is no cover, so I merelysat in the foxtails and got out the first call that I found in my fanny pack. Itwas the Johnny Stewart PC-1. It is the rabbit call with the little rubber buttonthat one can bite on for changing the pitch.

This is looking south to the fence line at about 500 yards. The foxtails arepretty tall. The cross wind is about 10 mph
from the right. No cover, so I merely sat down in the foxtails and put my rifleup on my Bi-Fur-Pod.
STARTED CALLING.. Well, I let out a series of jackrabbit screams and watched. The wind was from the west at about 10 mph and Iwas facing south. To my east, and down wind, there were thick thistles and noway to spot any incoming coyote for 200 yards or so. To the south, I could seeout to 1000 yards and there was a fence line at about 500 yards. A second seriesof rabbit screams and I waited and watched. Nothing. The cows in the far fieldcould hear me because they started looking my way. I glassed to the south and nocoyotes. After about 15 minutes and one more series, still no coyotes.
NO TAKERS - BUT.. I decided to give it up and go look for groundsquirrels. I got up and started walking back to the truck which was about ¼ ofa mile to the north. I stopped every so often to scan the horizon with mybinoculars. I had gone about 100 yards back toward the truck and looked back andthere was a new stump at the fence line about 600 yards away. The binocularsturned the stump into a coyote with just his head and shoulders showing andlooking directly at me. I did the only thing I could do at that point. Iimmediately sat down in the foxtails and setup again. Put the old Sako in 243Win caliber on my Bi-Fur-Pod and started watching. The coyote just sat there.

Here is where I first spotted the coyote. The picture is taken with about a 5Xzoom. The cows are in the field on
the other side of the fence. The distance is about 600 yards.
TALKING TO THE COYOTE.. I waited about 5 minutes and the coyote didn’tmove. Finally, I pulled the call out of my shirt pocket and gave a series ofjackrabbit screams. The coyote didn’t move. He wasn't interested in a rabbitdinner. I waited a couple of minutes and then made some very high pitched squeals on the call by biting the rubber button. The coyoteimmediately came through the fence and started my way. After coming about 50yards closer, the coyote stopped and sat down. More high pitched squeals and itstarted toward me again. As long as it was approaching, I kept quiet. It wentbelow a rise and then appeared at about 300 yards hopping up above the foxtailslike it was looking to see what I was. All this time my torso is completelyexposed, but I am sitting still with very little motion. The coyote stopped atabout 300 yards and looked at me. I was thinking about trying a shot and crankedthe scope up from 4X to about 14X without looking at it.
CLOSE BUT GONE.. The coyote started trotting directly toward me. Whilethey are approaching, I tend to let them get as close as they want. The coyotewasn’t going to scent me because of the cross wind. The coyote wend down in adip and appeared at about 120 yards and I was ready for the shot. I was ready todo a bark to stop it, but it turned to the east and wend down in a ditch. Thenext I see of it is in the bottom of the ditch running directly away from me atabout 200 yards. I didn’t have time to move the rifle and get a shot and itwent around a bend in the ditch heading back south.
COYOTES EVERYWHERE.. Well, I figured that I have blown my chance. Ilook down wind to the east and here is another coyote coming on the far side ofthe thistle patch. This one is going to scent me pretty soon and I lost sight ofit. Well, it is looking pretty bleak. I look back to the south and here are twomore coyotes at the fence line where I spotted the first coyote. What the heck,I have nothing to lose, so I start with the high pitched squeals and the two newcoyotes start my way, but hang up at about 400 yards. While I am watching them,there appears a third coyote which was probably the first one I saw. They allheaded back to the fence line and stopped and looked at me. I waited a fewminutes and gave some high pitched squeals and all three started my way. Theywould move 20 or 30 yards and stop. More squeals and I could coach them another30 yards closer. Finally at about 300 yards all three turned and ran back to thefence line.
THE STANDOFF.. All three are standing at the fence line looking mydirection. I gave out some more high pitched squeals and they just stood there.One of them went back into the field and the cows chased it and it came back tothe fence line. At this point I am playing with them like a fish on a line. Theymake a run away from me and I reel them back in with some high pitched squeals.
HURT PUP DOES THE TRICK.. This went on for another 10 minutes or so.All three are interested, but way to cautious to come any closer than about 400yards. The forth down wind coyote is out there somewhere, but I have completelylost track of it. I decide to change tactics. On the way down the ditch, when Ihad first arrived, I passed by what might have been a old coyote den. It haddead ground squirrel parts all around it. So I start with a hurt pup call with the same Johnny Stewart call. This does the trick! I ambetween the coyotes and the den. One coyote starts on a run toward me. He getsto about 300 yards and drops out of sight in a dip in the ground. I give outsome more hurt pup squeals and the coyote appears at about 250 yards jumping upto see over the foxtails.

Ambulance Horn Mp3

THE SAKO BARKS.. He finally stops at about 200 yardsstanding straight on looking at me. I hold about an inch off the coyote's cheston the upwind side and touch one off. The Sako barks and the scope hits the bibof my hat and I can't see anything. I look over the scope and see one coyoterunning away at 500 yards, but nothing is running form where the coyote wasstanding. The old Sako Forester in 243 Win caliber with its Shilen Match barrelis very accurate with the 95 gr Nosler Ballistic Tips pushed by 42 gr of H414.

LARGE MALE COYOTE.. It took a while to find the coyote in the tallfoxtails. It was a large male of about 35 pounds, but the fur was in very poorcondition. The bullet entered his chest on his left side. I was shooting about 5inches to the right of where the bullet entered because of the wind. I almostover compensated. I notice that my camo paint job is starting to shine and wearoff in locations. About time for another coat. It sure is nice when the firstbullet out of a clean cold barrel goes where you are aiming. This old Sako is avery reliable rifle.

Here is a close up of the JohnnyStewart PC-1 variable pitch call. One bites on the rubber button to changethe pitch.
On the back side of the rubber button is a rubber teat that touches the reed.The more the pressure, the higher the pitch.

Jackrabbitwith the Johnny Stewart PC-1 Call.
HighPitched Squeal with the Johnny Stewart PC-1 Call.
HurtCoyote Pup with the Johnny Stewart PC-1 Call.
FREE SOUNDS.. You are welcome to save these sound files. They are inMP3 format and you can use them any way you want.

Here is a closer view of where the .243 95 gr Nosler Ballistic Tip entered. Thecall is a Johnny Stewart PC-1.

Internet download managerumair sajid minhas.
There was a big tick on the back of the coyote's ear.

EXIT WOUND.. The exit wound is just in front of the right rear leg. Itis a surprisingly small exit wound. The 243 Win usually leaves a much largerexit wound. The tail is very scraggly and the pelt is very poor with possiblysome mange. He had a tick on his head, but I didn't see any fleas. It was a bigmale and in poor condition. He had more ticks and a very ragged tail and fur.The bullet caught him in the left side of the chest and exited just in front ofthe right hind leg. The rancher is going to be happy about this coyote not beingable to get anymore of his live stock. I forgot my camera, but went back home angot it.
I guess the moral if this tale is that if the coyotes don’t completely leavethe area and you can talk to them, keep talking and you might find the rightwords.

A TWO COYOTE DAY.. The weather is cooling a bit in the Bay Area soit was time for some coyote calling. Two coyotes out of three stands is not abad day. Mondays (10/10/5) are good days for calling.

FIRST STAND & NO TAKERS.. The first stand was near the old RedDairy Barn that years ago lost the last hint of red and in the last year hascollapsed into a heap of vintage lumber. I got a male coyote there a few monthsago and gave the location another try. There were a lot of ground squirrels andone was setting on a stump chirping at me during my calling session. This groundsquirrel was my early warning system. I used the L&MHowler with the Utah Jack sound and sounded out 4 series of cries. After about 15 minutes I quitthat and went through a number of calling sounds. Part of it was to possiblecall in a reluctant coyote and also for practice to see how each call sounded inthe field. I spent 30 minutes going through my calling and nothing. About halfway through the various calls, the chirping ground squirrel got tired and leftthe stump. There were numerous ground squirrels farther out that kept up thechirping. The ground squirrels sure are going to need some attention after thefirst rains. I see at least a brick of 17 HMR ammo being needed for this area.

STAND TWO IN OPEN COUNTRY.. The second stand was in very opencountry with stubble from recently harvested barley. The stubble doesn't offermuch cover, so I sat in the shade of a big oak tree near some thistle weeds. Istarted with the L&MHowler. It is an experimental call that Lonny and Mike made and sent me fortesting. It makes fairly good coyote howls, but the reed is a little too closeto the mouth piece and it pinches off when I try to get a loud howl. I hadrecently listened to the Utah Jack jackrabbit sound used on the new FoxPro andthe L&M Howler makes a really great Utah Jack sound. It is loud and gravelyand I was able to capture the 'cramped stomach' sound in short bursts.

HERE HE COMES.. I gave out a series of Utah Jack calls and waited.After about 3 minutes I gave out another series. A few minutes later, I see themale coyote at about 400 yards looking my way. He was just standing therelooking straight at me. I froze and watched. He stared for another couple ofminutes then started toward me. He was directly down wind, but behind me about800 yards away over the hills was a well traveled 2 lane road and I wasn't tooworried about my scent. The coyote had probably had human smells wafting his wayfrom the road till he knew every woman's perfume by brand name.

SETUP IN HIS DIRECTION.. The coyote went out of sight in a low spot andI moved the rifle and Bi-Fur-Pod in his direction and got the elevation justright for his approach. I also dialed the scope up from 4X to 16X. I figuredthat this was probably going to be a long shot. The coyote reappeared at about200 yards and was at a slow trot toward me. He stopped, angling very slightly tothe right, at about 170 yards. I centered the crosshair on his chest took theshot. With the wind blowing from me to the coyote, I didn't hear the whop of theimpact, but when I regained the sight picture in the scope, the coyote was downand rolling over with his feet in the air.

ANY MORE TAKERS?.. I started the hurt pup calling with the LongValley Predator call, but nothing else appeared. I stayed with if for about 10minutes, but nothing.

EXIT WOUND NOT TOO LARGE.. The old Sako Forester in 243 Win caliberdelivered the 95 gr moly coated Nosler Ballistic Tip pushed by 42 gr H414 rightto the center of the chest and the exit was just in front of the left hind leg.Not too much hide damage. This coyote, a young male, was in prime condition. Hehad probably been feeding on the dog and cat food at the new housing developmentabout 2 miles to the east and eating pets for desert. There will probably be afew less missing pussy cats and little lap dogs from the people living there.

OPEN COUNTRY.. Looking East, the new housing district is about 2 milesaway. This is the direction the coyote came from. Not very much cover for theapproach, but the Utah Jack calling sound was good enough to entice him to covera lot of relative open ground.

A FEW TREES.. Looking West there were a few trees. The coyote is layingabout ten feet left of the rifle. I drove my truck up about 300 yards to takethe pictures. For the stand, I was sitting in the shade of the oak tree just atthe rear of my truck's camper shell in the shaded area of the trees in thedistance. It was about a 170 yard shot.

TOO MANY CALLS.. Here are some of the current calls I carry in my fannypack. I have found that it is difficult to get the call I want by feel exceptfor the Dan Thompson Red Desert Howler. I can usually find it by feel andwithout fumbling around too much.

THIRD STAND.. I moved over to the Marsh Creek area for the third standof the day. This picture shows the East end of this year's Bragadon Fire. Itcovered about 4000 acres. I made the setup at the right edge of this picturedown this little road cut, but came in from the right across the other side ofthe hill so no coyote could see my approach. The wind was blowing from the leftto the right and I had the wind in my face.

MORE UTAH JACK.. I started out with the L&MHowler doing the Utah Jack imitation. I did about 3 series of calls over a period of 15 minutes.By this time it was about 3:00PM and getting a bit warm. I was sitting in nextto the base of a large oak tree in the shade. I sat there for a few minutes moreand this coyote bark-howl back at me. I was busted. Maybe? The wind was in myface, so he couldn't get my scent. I got out the LoessHills Howler and gave him couple of challenge barks. I was ready to start up a conversation with him, but he didn'tanswer. I moved the Bi-Fur-Pod and rifle in the direction of the howl. It was awaiting game. After about 5 minutes, I was ready to give him another challengebark and I spot his head above the tall grass. It was about 70 yards and all Icould see was his head and a tiny bit of his neck. I centered just below hisneck where his chest should be and touched one off. Bang! Whop! That was a veryeasy shot. The bullet entered in the center of his chest and there was no exit.

YOUNG MALE COYOTE.. Jackrabbit screams and a bit of a challenge barkbrought his male coyote into view at 70 yards for an easy shot off theBi-Fur-Pod sticks.

TWO CALLS WORKED.. I made the challenge bark with the Loess HillsHowler (left) from GriebelGame Calls and the Utah Jack jackrabbit screams with the L&MHowler (right). This young male coyote was in good condition. Earlier in theyear, the coyotes in this area had mange and it appears that the survivingcoyotes have recovered from the mange condition.

MT DIABLO.. Here is a picture of Mt Diablo in the Bay Area of CentralCA. The peak is about 5 miles from where I made the third stand. Now I willwrite the rancher a letter telling him about the 4 coyotes I have taken on hisland so far this year. Since I started hunting coyotes on his ranch, he has notlost anymore cattle and calves to coyotes and I have a great place to hunt. Ialso need to control the ground squirrels for him. It will be a tough jobkeeping all those ground squirrels under control so they will not overpopulatethe area. Good Hunting… from Varmint Al

SOME FREECOYOTE CALLING SOUND DOWNLOADS.. These following sound files are free withno strings attached. Use them any way you like. I made them for your predatorcalling enjoyment and to promote the Second Amendment. Each new coyote hunterwho learns hunting and buys a gun will more than likely be another supporter ofthe Second Amendment. These sounds are not the very best quality, but as good asI could do on the laptop. Each sound file lasts about 60 seconds. If you burnthe sound on your own CD, or MP3 player, I would suggest 2 minutes of silencebefore any sound starts and 1 or 2 minutes of silence between each callingsound. You can also burn the first sequence at a lower volume so as not to spookany close coyotes at first. Right click on the file name and select 'SaveTarget As'. Let me know how you like them. The .wav files are large andthanks to Eric for providing the web space for the .wav files.

ONE BIG ZIP FILE.. All of the calls below, including the 16-min and20-min Sequence files have been zipped into one large file. Download here: and save the file to a new folder. Unzip the file to a folder of yourchoice.

These sound files have been recently (2/12/6) re-mastered with the volumesnormalized and converted to MP3 in FM quality. Each sound file lasts about 60seconds.

HAVING TROUBLE DOWNLOADING.. Assume you want to download GroupHowl (group2.mp3). Here is what I suggest you try:
1. Right Click on the hot link (the underlined name of Group Howl below)of the file you want to download.
2. When the menu appears select 'Save Target as..'
3. A Window will appear 'Save As' and the defaultlocation is 'My Documents'. If you Click on the 'Save'tab the sound file named group2.mp3 will be downloaded to your MyDocuments folder. Your hard drive now contains the file.
4. To play the downloaded file, open your My Documents folder and DoubleClick on the file named group2.mp3.
5. To copy the file to the clipboard, you Right Click on the filename group2.mp3 and select copy.
6. To copy the file over to your MP3 player you need to plug the cablefrom your MP3 player into the USB port of the computer. If you are runningWindows XP a window will open and you select 'Open folder to view files'and Click on OK. Put the mouse pointer inside the MP3 player'sfolder and Right Click. Select paste from the menu. The group2.mp3file should then be written to Secure Digital card in your MP3 player.

Excruciator(excruciator-16-min.mp3) A 16 minute sequence of Chris Butcher'sExcruciator call. Starts with 1 minute of silence. 15.1Mb Note: I removes someof the clicks that I had overlooked in the recording.
Tiny-Dogs-Chicken(tiny-dogs-chicken.mp3) Two Chihuahuas chasing a chicken. Added thechicken squawking. Sounds good.
Tiny-Dogs-Barking(tiny-dogs3.mp3) Two Chihuahuas barking scared at Bart & Tide withTide moaning 1.023Mb Its not a standard sound, but its worth a try. Coyotesshould at least be interested and come for a look at the commotion. Tiny dogs inurban areas are a favorite food of coyotes.
Read-Head-Woodpecker(red-head-woodpecker.mp3) Coon Skinner recorded it from a live bird andemailed it to me. Thanks Coon Skinner.
BirdSqueaker (bird-squeaker.mp3) Made with the squeaker out of one ofTide's squeaky toys 970KB
RodentSqueaker (rodent-squeaker.mp3) Made with Tide's squeaky toy -different cadence 875KB
GroupHowl (group2.mp3) group coyote howl with 3 different calls mixed withthe new software 944KB
GroupHowl (group3.mp3) group coyote howl with 4 different calls mixed withthe new software 944KB
ChickenDistress Call (chicken.mp3) with the Haydel call 656KB
WoodpeckerDistress Call (mybird2.mp3) with a Lohman Quail Call #115W BIRD1.316MB
CoyoteChallenge Bark (challenge.mp3) with the Dan Thompson Red Desertcoyote howler 645KB
CoyoteGreeting Howls (dthowl.mp3) with the Dan Thompson Red Desert coyotehowler 646KB
CoyoteGreeting Howls (dthowl2.mp3) with the Dan Thompson Red Desert coyotehowler with more chatter 944KB
CoyoteHurt Pup Distress Call (hurtpup2.mp3) with a diaphragm call 660KB
JackrabbitDistress Call (jackrabbit.mp3) 657KB
CottontailDistress Call (weems.mp3) with a knockoff Weems call 659KB
CottontailDistress Call (weems2.mp3) with a knockoff Weems call 906KB
Jackrabbit(jrpc1.mp3) with the Johnny Stewart PC-1 Call 896KB
Jackrabbit(jrpc1lv.mp3) Low-Volume with the Johnny Stewart PC-1 Call 896KB
HighPitched Squeal (highpc1.mp3) with the Johnny Stewart PC-1 Call 920KB
HighPitched Squeal (highpc1lv.mp3) Low-Volume with the Johnny StewartPC-1 Call 920KB
HurtCoyote Pup (hurtpc1.mp3) with the Johnny Stewart PC-1 Call 931KB
UtahJackrabbit (lmuj1.mp3) imitation with the L&M Howler call 672KB
CoyoteChallenge Bark (lhhcallenge.mp3) with the Loess Hills Howler 694KB
CoyoteHowl (lhhowler.mp3) with the Loess Hills Howler 648KB
CoyoteHowl (wileyoneh.mp3) with the Wiley One Howler 671KB
HurtCoyote Pup (wileyonehp.mp3) with the Wiley One Howler 666KB
2-Minutesof Silence (2-min-silence.mp3) 941KB
1-Minutesof Silence (1-min-silence.mp3) 469KB
CoyoteGreeting Howl(elkpowerhowl.mp3) E.L.K. Power Howler for a singlehowl somewhere in a sequence.
CoyoteChatter Howl(elkchatterhowl.mp3) E.L.K. Power Howler for a singlehowl somewhere in a sequence.
Locater(locater1.mp3) 635KB Clear tone siren courtesy of Howard Drummond, FireCrew Capitan.
Locater(locater2.mp3) 720KB Crank tone siren courtesy of Howard Drummond, FireCrew Captain.
Note. The sirenlocater sound will not call in coyotes but is used to locate the coyotes. A siren sounds will often cause coyotes to howl back. You can then tell wherethe coyotes are located and come back 30 min or so later and make a callingstand near where you heard the coyotes howling back at the siren.

Word excel download for mac. MAKE YOUR OWN CALLING SEQUENCES.. You can rename the calling soundsand the silence files and load them to your MP3 player in the order you wantthem to play. It is like making a play list. Or you can download Audacitya free, open source software for recording and editing sounds. It is availablefor Mac OS X, Microsoft Windows, GNU/Linux, and other operating systems. Here isa link on howAudacity could be used to create your own sequence.

20 MINUTE SAMPLE CALLING SEQUENCE..Copy the silence sound, 2-min-silence.mp3, into s1.mp3, s2.mp3,s3.mp3 and s4.mp3 etc. Write the sounds to your MP3 player in theorder you want. I was able to put this sequence into one file using the Magixsound software. Once you start the sequence, you will have 2 minutes to walkaway from the player before the calling starts. Then it will play the sequenceand you can concentrate on any approaching coyotes without fiddling around withremote buttons.
Download 20-min-sequence.mp3.10.563MB 20:34 Min:Sec


17 MINUTE SEQUENCE.. This sequence starts with 2 minutes of silencethen the chicken distress. After 1 minute of silence it then has the chickendistress with the tiny dogs barking. The sequence continues alternating andfinally ends with the coyote chatter howl. This should be good for call wisecoyotes.
Download tiny-dog-chicken-sequence.mp316.5 MB.


16 MINUTE CALLING SEQUENCE.. This sequence starts at half-volumewith the first sound. I really like this sequence and it worked for me a numberof times.
Download 16-min-sequence.mp3.

Ambulance Horn Mp3

1-Minute of Silence
1-Minute of Silence
1-Minute of Silence
2-Minutes of Silence
1-Minute of Silence
1-Minute of Silence

EL-CHEAPO ELECTRONIC CALLER.. I have tried this combination and itplays the MP3 sound files with good quality and plenty of volume. The littlemini-amp can easily drive the Powerhorn type speaker with good volume. You willwant to mark the volume setting so that there will be no distortion. The twominutes of silence is just about right to walk about 80 to 100 yards away fromthe caller. A 512Mb Secure Digital card will hold plenty of sound files. All MP3players are NOT the same. Some of them will not play the MP3 files as they were.I have now converted them over to FM quality and they should work with all MP3players. The TRIO MP3 Player works fine and runs on one AAA battery. The MiniAudio Amplifier runs on one 9V battery. I have used the same set of batteriesfor about 6 stands of 30 minutes each and the batteries are still working.
Note: The identical setup is listed on the Predator Masters TechSection. It is called TheHomemade E-Caller. I was not aware of it when I put the info together forthe El-Cheapo.

Here is an even cheaper build for the E-Caller. See the video here: WildEnough to Shoot At

Here is a list of the parts:

MP3 Player with (No Memory)using a SD card. The old Mach Speed TRIO MP3 Player has been discontinued.

512Mb Secure Digital (SD) Card Search for (Secure Digital Cards) The current price on a 1Gb card is not less that it was for a 64Mb card a couple of years ago.

UP-DATE.. MP3 Player with 2 Gb built in memory plus it will also record your own sounds with the built-in recorder.

12-Inch Shielded Stereo Audio Cable The cable between the Mini Amp and the MP3 Player. I have heard that the mono cable into the MP3 player sometimes has problems by shorting out one channel and distorting the sound in the channel being used.

All Electronics Corp. Catalog No. PMP - MONO PLASTIC 3.5 MM PLUG. The connector will need to be soldered to the PowerHorn's cable. You can get this connector at Radio Shack when you get the Mini Amp here abut at a higher price.

Note: Above are the places where the hardware is still avaliable. There are many other places where the items may be purchases. Also, the 1GB Secure Digital cards now cost about as much as the 512MB SD cards were priced a few months ago and the 1GB SD card has twice the storage size.

A Better Weasel Ball Decoy by Dick Wendell
This is an excellent improvement on the Weasel Ball Decoy.
See and Listen to the Struggling Varmint Video Download.

Al, you are completely free to use my pictures and technique for building this for your website. Your generosity is extended back to you my friend.

Note: The reason the action is random is that the tail hits either the ground or the lower bar. It really makes an erratic action.
Metal cutting saw
Welder (I use a 110v wire feed welder)
1/4' coarse thread die for cutting threads on rod
Tape Measure
Weasel Ball (cat toy)
1/4' cold rolled round rod
1/4' coupling nut
Grinder for putting point on the rod and cleaning up cuts
Camo paint
To make a predator decoy with erratic movements that is able to be displayed above tall grass and snow at a low cost.
Ball Preparation:
1 - The Weasel Ball is easily found online for under $3.00. In fact the shipping is more than the item itself. Unscrew the ball and paint the half with the tail in an appropriate color for your area. I used a dead grass color. Leave the tail as installed.
2 - Get some white fake fur and sew a small tuft on the end of the tail to add as an attractor.
Stand Fabrication:

1 - The top portion of the stand is made by taking a 12' piece of 1/4' round rod and bending a 90 degree bend about 2 inches from one end. Heating with a torch will make the bend much sharper. Placing the heated end of rod in a vice makes it easier and safer to bend.
2 - Take a 2 inch piece of the 1/4' round rod and weld it approximately 1 3/8' directly below the 90 degree bend. This location is best determined by holding the two pieces in place on the ball and marking the correct location. Once welded in place, if it is loose the two forks can be put in a vice and gently squeezed together until the forks slide firmly into place. It needs to be easy to remove so you replace the battery as needed.
3 - Take a 4 1/4 inch piece of the 1/4' rod and weld to the stand approximately 5 inches below the bottom of the forks.
This piece is needed to give the decoy an erratic movement. Without this piece the tail will simply swing in a big circle. With this piece the tail will swing, then make some jumping/jerking movements and the sequence is never the same.
4 - Using the 1/4 inch thread die make threads on the lower end of the rod. Thread on the 1/4' coupling nut and tack weld in place.
5 - Take a 12 inch piece of the metal rod and thread one end with the 1/4' die. Grind a point on the other end to be able to poke the stand in the ground. I have 6' and 12' base rods to accommodate tall grass or deeper snow. Any length can be made for what ever your conditions require. The separate bottom section makes the decoy easier to put in your pack.
6 - Paint the stand to match your area.
Put into use:
Slide the forks of the stand onto the Weasel Ball.
Screw the appropriate length of base rod onto the stand.
Poke the decoy into the ground.
Turn the decoy on and go get into your hiding location .

Here is an easy toconstruct variation on the Dick Wendell's Weasel Ball decoy. The random actionoccurs because the tail hits
the bent bar and then appears to jump around instead of just swing around like afan.
Instructions on how to build it are here.
Lee put these videos up on YouTube showing how it works. Good job Lee.
More instructions on building this version of the decoy.

TheWobbleWeasel by Scott Pierce.
Click on the link above to view the video andinstructions on how it works and how to build it. This looks good and appears tobe very easy to build. Some thin rod, a spring and hot glue. Varmint hunters area very ingenious bunch.

The Hammock Decoy
Hi Al,
My wife Valinda came up with the ideal to use a WeaselBall toy for a decoy. I bought one for about $7.00 at a local toy store. Theproblem with it was on un-level ground it didn't roll well and you couldn't seeit over the brush. So when I got home I went to work on it. I unscrewed the capoff the ball to access the motor this is what I came up with.

1.) Disconnect the tail/Weasel from the ball unscrew ball halves (discard top half of the ball keeping motor half). Motor turns/spins inside ball half.
2.) Take the three screws out of the weight retaining cover on the electric motor and remove the weights (a little pressure with screw driver helps achieve this). This gives the motor more speed yet still allows it to wobble when finished.
3.) Drill tiny hole 1/16 into side of weight retaining cover then screw back to motor.
4.) Drill 1/16 - 1/8 hole in bottom of ball half and glue in a 1/16 - 1/8 steel rod approx 1 - 2 foot long also take a hammer and flatten out about 4 inches of end of rod that goes into the ground to keep rod from spinning (the ball wants to spin the rod so by flattening what's stuck in the ground it keeps the rod from spinning so motor is all that spins) Rod and ball half doesn't spin only motor.
5.) Spray paint the assembly dull gray.
6.) Reinsert tail/Weasel into hole on motor weight cover.
7.) Push steel rod into ground and turn on, it spins the tail and wobbles as well.

Total cost around $10.00 and gives motion as well and uses 1 AA battery.Please e-mail me back and let me know what you think of it.
Ricky Hammock
Adairsville GA

I took the El-Cheapo out for a test run. The roads arefinally open and not mud slides anymore so I could get to my hunting area. Imade two stands with no success. On the second stand, a ground squirrel wasstanding up chirping at me. He was about 100 yards out near the El-Cheapo. AfterI concluded that there were going to be no coyote takers, it was time to checkthe zero on my rifle. The scolding ground squirrel confirmed the zero on the oldSako Forester was right on out of a cold clean barrel. Off to the third stand.Less than 5 minutes into the third stand here comes a coyote. I saw him at about400 yards way down the hill coming through the tall grass. He quickly wentbehind a rise heading my way and I was able to setup in the direction where Ithought he would next appear. I was using the 16 minute sequence and it was onlyin the second sound (lmuj1.mp3) when I first saw the coyote.

ON A BEE LINE.. After the one minute of silence between the sounds,the third sound (jrpc1.mp3) starts up and here comes the coyote. He was on aBee-line heading straight to the call and wasn't looking in my direction at all.At 22 steps from the El-Cheapo, he stopped, broadside, for the fatal 2 secondsat about 80 yards. The 95 gr 243 Nosler Ballistic Tip caught him right behindthe front shoulder. I saw him roll once in the tall grass. I let the callingcontinue for the full 16 minutes hoping for a double, but no other coyoteshowed. It was interesting to watch a doe and her fawn at about 300 yards. Theywere my forward spotters and really picked up their ears for each new sound. Atone point, they were both looking to the side and I thought there might beanother coyote incoming but no show. About 10 minutes into the calling both thedoe and fawn stiff stepped out of sight. The coyote was crawling with ticks. Itlooks like it is going to be a bad tick year. I used Velcro to mount the amp andMP3 player onto the power horn. It works OK.

Here is a 10X zoom of Mt Diablo to the West from where I got the coyote. Thereis a little haze in the hot air coming from all those liberals in the SanFrancisco area. My eyes were starting to itch. It is either hay fever or I amallergic to liberals. Probably both.

EL-CHEAPO SCORES AGAIN.. I tried a different location. This is theplace where the old house WAS. It is no more. I will post a picture of it on theHunting Stories Page. I setup just south of the oldburned out house. I was sitting under an oak tree up against the trunk and itdark shade. I had the El-Cheapo out about 75 yards upwind away from me pointedsouth. I had just about given up that no coyote would show. The 16 minutesequence was into the hurt pup call and about done. I was ready to give up. Iglassed the far hillside one more time. This dry female was at about 250 yardssitting looking in the direction of the caller. The advantage of having thecoyote not looking directly at you like they do when you use hand calls isreally important. Anyhow, I cranked the old Tasco up to 16X and dialed in 250yards. I held about 4 inches into the wind on her chest. Bang! I see her rollingdown the hill. That old Sako sure is a reliable rifle with the first shot out ofa cold barrel being right where I aim. This coyote also had numerous ticks onit. It is going to be a bad tick season this year. No sign of mange.

Good Hunting.. from Varmint Al

Last Updated: 04/28/2016
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Ambulance Siren Sound Effects



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Is there an excel version for mac. You may download and use any of these awesome sound effects files on this web page in your multimedia projects. These effects may be used in podcasts, plays, music, Youtube backgrounds or any other type of audio or video editing project under Creative Commons License for your benefit. All I ask that you read the terms of use on this page and keep true to the ideals of Creative Commons License as many people give their time to create and provide this material to you.

Please give credit to and link back to the page if possible when using them as sometimes there are multiple authors including myself and I will list them on the page here. By downloading the sound clips you are agreeing to these terms. Royalty-Free & Creative Commons sound effects, video, motion graphics & footage.

Ambulance Horn Mp3 Song

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