A New Threat Fallout 4


  • The Brotherhood of Steel in Fallout 4 had fascist tendencies and a raging hard-on against anything non-human, similiar to Enclave who considered anyone not their own or fresh out of Vault a mutant and in need of expedient extermination. Before Maxson's rule, the old Brotherhood had zero interest in ruling people.
  • Fallout 4: Automatron. After you complete the previous mission you then flag this new mission - A New Threat - which takes you to the factory where ADA last saw the bad bots.
Biography and appearance
GenderFemale Programming
Hair StyleN/AHair Color?
AffiliationJackson (formerly)
Sole Survivor
RoleCaravan robot (formerly)
LocationWattz Consumer Electronics
Dialogue FileAda's dialogue
QuestsMechanical Menace
Combat StyleDLC01csWorkbenchBot
assistanceHelps allies
Tag SkillsRobotClass
Editor RaceProtectronRace
Editor IDDLC01Ada
Base ID00fd5aRef ID00ff12
Editor FactionsPlayerFaction
ActorRachel Robinson
A New Threat Fallout 4

My friends.. did not survive the attack. Thank you for assisting. I was certain to meet my end here as well.

Whether you're looking for a new settlement or just trying to locate a new vault, a handy Fallout 4 map would go a long way. Vaults, bobble heads, magazines, and even threat levels. A Model Citizen is a quest in the Fallout 4 add-on Vault-Tec Workshop. Meeting Valery Barstow is unlike any other meeting in the life of the Sole Survivor. Led by curiosity, they decide to investigate the Vault and put the remains of the construction crews out of their misery. Kill all of the ghouls (that aren't Valery Barstow). There should be about five or six feral ghouls.

Ada, Automatron

Ada is a robotic companion who can be encountered in the Commonwealth in 2287.

  • 2Interactions with the player character


A heavily customized Assaultron model,[1] Ada was the personal robot of Jackson and extensively upgraded with weapons and detection systems.[2] Ambushed by the Mechanist's rogue robots on their way out of the Commonwealth,[3] it is the only survivor of the attack - and even then, only due to the Sole Survivor's intervention.[4] The loss of her family weighs heavily on the synthetic heart humming within the armored shell, sadness and regret registering in the neural pathways,[5] of her programmed personality.[6][7]

Its objective, once saved, is to find the Mechanist and learn what made him attack.. And deal with the menace. The modifications for long distance travel make Ada quite adequate for the purpose.[8] Her one wish is that he'd have installed medical training to allow her to lend aid (although her extremities are less than optimal for the purpose).[9]

Interactions with the player character

  • Every X amount of time, Ada will gather random junk, such as a coffee pot, baseball, etc., which she will provide automatically when the player talks with her.

Interactions overview

This character is essential. Essential characters cannot be killed.
This character is a permanent party member.
This character starts quests.

A New Threat
Restoring Order
Rogue Robot

This character is involved in quests.


WeaponAssaultron claw
Robot laser
Carried itemsNone
Drops on deathempty

Ada's starting configuration consists of:

  • Assaultron Head
  • Assaultron Torso
  • Assaultron Left Arm
  • Sentry Bot Right Arm
  • Protectron Legs (Unarmored)


Fallout 4 A New Threat Radar Beacon Bug

Ada appears only in the Fallout 4add-onAutomatron.


  1. The Sole Survivor: 'Are you ok?'
    Ada: '
    (Ada's dialogue)
  2. The Sole Survivor: 'I'm sorry for your loss.'
    Ada: '
    (Ada's dialogue)
  3. The Sole Survivor: 'Tell me about these robots.'
    Ada: '
    (Ada's dialogue)
  4. Ada: '
    (Ada's dialogue)
  5. The Sole Survivor: '
    Ada: '
    (Ada's dialogue)
  6. The Sole Survivor: 'Your personality mode? What do you mean?'
    Ada: '
    (Ada's dialogue)
  7. The Sole Survivor: 'That's kind of you to say.'
    Ada: '
    (Ada's dialogue)
  8. Ada: '
    (Ada's dialogue)
  9. Ada: '
    (Ada's dialogue)
Quests/achievementsMechanical Menace ·A New Threat ·Headhunting ·Restoring Order ·Rogue Robot
LocationsFort Hagen hangar ·Fort Hagen satellite array ·General Atomics factory ·Mechanist's lair ·RobCo sales and service center
ItemsWeaponsAssaultron blade ·Mr. Handy buzz blade ·Salvaged assaultron head ·Tesla rifle
Armor and clothingAssaultron helmet ·Eyebot helmet ·Robot armor · (Sturdy ·Heavy) ·Sentry bot helmet ·Tesla T-60 left arm ·Telsa T-60 right arm ·Tesla T-60 torso
Miscellaneous and Junk itemsBurnt technical manual ·Jezebel's head ·Radar beacon
Holodisks and notesAutomatron ·Chief scientist's holotape ·Drawing of the Mechanist ·Facilities director's holotape ·Forfiture terminal password ·Jackson's holotape ·Jezebel interview ·Lead engineer's holotape ·Mechanist holotape ·Mechanist's log ·Medical terminal password ·RB-2851 Master Control Password ·Robot workbench schematics ·Scavenger's journal ·Work order 09-241 ·Zoe's diary
ModificationsAssaultron front actuated frame ·Assaultron head ·Assaultron left arm ·Assaultron legs ·Laser short barrel ·Mr. Handy warmonger spiked plate ·Protectron front actuated frame ·Protectron front warmonger serrated blade ·Robobrain torso ·Robobrain treads ·Sentry Ahab's helm ·Sentry front hydraulic frame ·Sentry right arm
FactionsJackson's caravan ·Rust Devils ·The Mechanist ·Military Police Corps ·Military Robotics Oversight Committee ·United States Army Robotics Division
CharactersAda ·Ahab ·Isabel Cruz ·Hurtz ·Jackson ·Jezebel ·Liza ·Porter ·Rust Devil ·Shades ·Sparks ·Turing ·Zoe
RobotsCybermech ·Duelbot ·Eyebot ·Junkbot ·Robobrain ·Swarmbot ·Servomech ·Trashbot ·Turretbot
OtherCaravan distress frequency ·Eyebot pod ·Robot workbench ·RobCo Sales & Service Center Key
Retrieved from 'https://fallout-archive.fandom.com/wiki/Ada_(Automatron)?oldid=2145766'

A New Threat Fallout 4

Modders ‘Mathew1800’ and ‘thisisnamelesst’ have released a new version of their Fallout New Empiria mod for Fallout 4. Fallout New Empiria promises to add two new worldspaces, plenty of new interiors, seven vendors, two possible player homes, a companion and plenty of secrets/eastereggs.

New Empiria is said to be a large city found buried in the sand dunes of Western Australia and in order to visit the city, players can get a boat from croup manor’s dock or alternatively type “COC DocksEmpiria” into the console.

“Following the great resource wars Europe was left in utter chaos. Many fled the ruins to find somewhere new to live despite the devastation that would soon ensue. Many citizens fled to the lands of the British commonwealth. Australia, welcomed these citizens in a bid to build a fighting populace should the eyes of China turn to them. New Empiria was built to house these refugees (funded by the remnants of the British elite who fled long before Europe was left in ruins).

When the bombs finally fell New Empiria was buried under a sky of sand which, through the immense heat, turned to glass. Centuries later the Western part of the city (which was not buried under sand) was repopulated by wondering Australian survivors. However lurking in the Deep city ruins are hoards of frenzied fanatics that impose a threat to the new settlers.”

Do note that this unofficial expansion is still in early phase, meaning that players cannot built settlements in the new world spaces with the mod Conquest. If you attempt to turn a campsite into a settlement there your game will crash. Furthermore, there are no quests yet however a plot has already been thought out.

“In the finished version of the mod the sole survivor will sign up to work as a private detective to investigate a series of murders across the city. In the investigation the sole survivor will unravel a plot involving the new settlers, the commonwealth remnants and a fanatical cult calling themselves “the buried”. Through the sole survivor’s investigation, they will encounter difficult decisions as different factions struggle for power over the city.”

Those interested can download the mod from here.

A New Threat Fallout 4

John Papadopoulos

Fallout 4 A New Threat Quest

John is the founder and Editor in Chief at DSOGaming. He is a PC gaming fan and highly supports the modding and indie communities.Before creating DSOGaming, John worked on numerous gaming websites. While he is a die-hard PC gamer, his gaming roots can be found on consoles. Apple imessages for mac. John loved - and still does - the 16-bit consoles, and considers SNES to be one of the best consoles. Still, the PC platform won him over consoles. That was mainly due to 3DFX and its iconic dedicated 3D accelerator graphics card, Voodoo 2. John has also written a higher degree thesis on the 'The Evolution of PC graphics cards.' Contact: Email